The Wallaceburg and District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the Government Affairs Committee’s recent formation. The Committee will champion and advocate for business at the federal, provincial and municipal levels.
Over the course of the Chamber year, the Committee will develop and submit advocacy letters and reports to ensure lawmakers understand the Chamber’s and its membership’s needs and views.
Additionally, the Committee will:
- Develop and maintain a healthy, mutually respectful working relationship with all levels of government
- Engage the membership to provide feedback that will influence policy development at all levels of government
- Identify possible positions and recommend action on government policy and process to the Board of Directors
- Develop policy recommendations/resolutions for consideration by the Wallaceburg & District and, as necessary, the Ontario and Canadian Chambers of Commerce
- Advocating on issues that affect local members of our business community
- Develop and revise annual plans for each level of government
- Monitor ongoing dialogue with members to position and prepare the Board for issues developing wíth respect to needed or changing legislation
For the 2021 Chamber year, the committee members are Joey Cyples and Karen Debergh.
Joey Cyples, CPA, CMA – Treasurer
Business Development Specialist
Enbridge Gas Inc.
Karen Debergh – Past Chair
Financial Security Advisor
Slater Wealth Management