Highlights of the April 2014 Chamber Minutes
from Co-President, Karen Debergh
Executive Report
Karen Debergh reported on the Executive Committee. Karen received an email from Susan Handsor at the library inquiring about a booth at Business after Hours; Chuck to get in touch with her. WDSS is offering a new Business Course and are looking for mentors. Chuck offered to get in touch with them and put something in an upcoming newsletter issue. There was a suggestion about doing email blasts on a weekly basis with links to the different emails the Chamber receives to cut down on the emails being sent out.
Committee Reports
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- Special Events Committee: Chuck Ferris reported on the Special Events Committee. Postcards were designed and mailed out for the upcoming Business after Hours. Businesses need to help promote their own Business after Hours events. It was suggested to have someone sit down with the hosts and explain how to have a good event. The committee is looking at doing Brunch & Learns on a quarterly basis (1 hour length)
- Marketing/Membership Committee: Chuck Ferris reported on the Marketing/Membership Committee. Chuck had a meeting with Chris Summerfield who will be working on the marketing of the Chamber programs. It was suggested to drop off printed copies of the newsletter at prominent locations throughout town.
- Business Excellence Committee: Barbara McCaughrin reported on the Business Excellence Committee. 130 tickets sold would be a successful event; we are currently sitting at 52 sold. Judging has taken place. Barbara was on the radio promoting the Awards Gala.
- Finance Committee: Karen Debergh reported on the Finance Committee. Everything is looking good. A description column has been added to the Outstanding Accounts Receivable Report.
Next board meeting ā May 14, 2014 ā 4:00 PM ā Chamber office