Highlights of the August Chamber Minutes

from President, John Ritchie

Melissa Sharpe-Harrigan attended the meeting and gave a presentation on the Newcomer Attraction Program. Handouts were given. The Newcomer Attraction program focuses on business immigrants starting up new small businesses in Chatham-Kent. It was suggested to have the summer students set up a meeting with Melissa and do a tour of Wallaceburg.

President’s Report

John Ritchie reported the minutes from the Executive meeting (included in packages). The new Chamber website is ready to be launched; Chantielle is waiting on the Privacy Policy which Tina is working on. Phase two of the Membership Package is almost complete which included a Tiered Membership with three options; Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Annual renewal dates will be at the time of signing up as opposed to January. Employee categories will be changed to 1, 2-4, 5-10, 11-30, 31-100, 100+, Association; as well the “full-time employees” will be changed to “number of employees”. The BIA and Chamber executives will be meeting once a date has been confirmed.

Treasurer’s Report

Matt Montague gave the Treasurer’s Report (included in board packages). Membership has increased; but revenues are down.

Committee Reports

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  • Special Events Committee: Gloria Tulp reported on the Community after 5 events. The August Community After 5 will be held at the Chamber office. At this event we normally have a dunk tank and close off the street, however, due to the extra insurance costs required from the municipality that has been cancelled. The event will be held indoors with Chez Denise doing the food and The Black Goose doing the bar. The Community Health Centre has confirmed they will do the September event. Gloria contacted the Moose about doing the Fair but they are booked. Gloria will contact the Legion and the CBD and see about October 4 or 11 for the Fair. As soon as the date and location have been confirmed Tina will be sending out letters to all the service clubs and members.


Next board meeting – September 12, 2012 – 4:00 PM – Chamber office