Highlights of the December Chamber Minutes
from President, Carmen McGregor
President’s Report
Carmen McGregor reported on the minutes of the Executive meeting (included in packages). There was a discussion regarding the Stonehouse (Walking) Bridge. Jeff Wesley forwarded the information to Carmen which is included in packages. Tina is back in the office on Monday and Tuesday, 9 to 12. The committee is looking into Email Blasts which will include links to all emails received in the week. The Chamber website needs to be updated.
Treasurer’s Report
Karen Debergh reported on the Financial Reports. Karen reviewed the outstanding receivables that were over 60 days and will get the information to Tina to follow-up. The cash flow report will be done monthly until membership renewals come in. We will be okay until the end of the year.
Committee Reports
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- Special Events Committee: Chuck Ferris and Nick Cadotte reported on the Special Events. A January Business after Hours will be held at the Arena on January 23. February’s BAH will be held at St. Clair College Employment Centre; March’s will be at Crabby Joe’s. Preparations for the Can’t Go South party are underway.
- Marketing/Membership Committee: Ron Laroche and Karen Debergh reported on the Marketing and Membership Committee. Ron is working on the signs and has confirmed 5 other sign advertisers. 2014 Membership Renewals have been sent out.
New Business
Carmen McGregor received information from Jeff Wesley regarding the public meeting for the Stonehouse (Walking) Bridge. Jeff asked the Chamber to do a Resolution to be sent to council and the municipality. A survey was done this summer to gauge the traffic on the Walking Bridge. It was suggested to send something out to the members to see what they would like to see done with the Bridge.
Next board meeting – January 15, 2014 – 4:00 PM – Chamber office