Highlights of the December Chamber Minutes

from President, Carmen McGregor

Business Arising

Mike Hatfield gave an update on the University of Windsor event held on December 5, 2012 at Countryview Golf Course. There were 20 manufacturers that attended and it was a great event. More one-on-one meetings have been scheduled with the Wallaceburg manufacturers. It was suggested to do a media release. Mike will get in touch with Blanca from the University.

President’s Report

Carmen McGregor reported on the meeting the Executive had with Scott DeSalliers of First Data Merchant Services. They have a great Chamber package. Tina Fraleigh contacted the Whitby and Cambridge Chambers to get feedback on the program from them as well as their members.

Treasurer’s Report

Sign revenue has increased; second installment invoices will be going out in January. The first payment has gone out to Mountain Shelter.

Committee Reports

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  • Business Excellence Committee: The committee met with the Museum where the awards ceremony will be held this year. The event will be business formal. There will be numerous vendors serving different appetizers. Some of the award categories have changed as well as new ones being added.
  • Marketing/Membership Committee: There was no meeting to report on however Ron Laroche mentioned that the old signs are now down and the new ones will be up before Christmas. Karen Debergh spoke with WAMBO and they are interested in the back side of the sign on Baseline.
  • Special Events Committee: The Business after Hours events need to be booked for 2013. The events will be held from February to November.



Next board meeting – January 9, 2013 – 4:00 PM – Chamber Office