Highlights of the January 2014 Chamber Minutes
from President, Carmen McGregor
President’s Report
Carmen McGregor reported on the minutes of the Executive meeting (included in packages). The committee discussed adding interest to late fees or adding an admin fee or both and forwarded this on to the Finance Committee for review. Carmen has applied for the Summer Student Grant but a decision won’t be made until May. There was a discussion regarding the Chamber website; it is hard to navigate and needs to be looked at. There was a discussion about getting a digital camera that would be taken to Chamber events like Business after Hours.
Committee Reports
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- Special Events Committee: Chuck Ferris reported on the Special Events Committee. He is currently working on the budget. The Can’t Go South event is well underway with 120-130 tickets sold to date. The next Business after Hours is on Wednesday at the arena in the lounge. Business after Hours events are booked for the first part of the year.
- Marketing/Membership Committee: Ron Laroche and Karen Debergh reported on the Marketing and Membership Committee. Ron has been working on the sign advertisers and there are still a few spots to be filled. Nick and Chuck will be meeting with the Sarnia Chamber regarding their Member to Member program; Karen will be talking with the Leamington Chamber. Nick and Chuck have volunteered to do Ribbon Cutting ceremonies at new businesses.
- Business Excellence Committee: Barbara McCaughrin reported on the Business Excellence Committee. The date is scheduled for April 24 with cocktails beginning at 6:00 PM. The committee discussed the positive and negatives of last year’s event. Barb will be contacting the caterers and Andrew/Gloria are looking into locations. The 13 Award categories will remain the same as last year and sponsors will be contacted. Judging will be different this year, 3 local judges will be chosen and they will meet with the committee. Nomination forms have been sent out and are due February 28. There will be no theme this year.
- Finance Committee: Matt Montague reported on the Finance Committee. Some of the membership revenues have come in. Monies in the savings account are HST funds that have been transferred from invoices that have been sent out.
New Business
Carmen McGregor updated the Board on the Resolutions for the Stonehouse Bridge. Carmen has been in contact with Jeff Wesley and he will have information for the next board meeting.
Next board meeting – February 12, 2014 – 4:00 PM – Chamber office