Highlights of the July Chamber Minutes
from President, John Ritchie
Chantielle Kennedy with CIK Marketing attended the board meeting to give a presentation on the new Chamber website. Chantielle will sit down with Tina to show her how to update the site and she will prepare a manual with step by step instructions. The new site will be optimized for search engines. Google Analytics has been set up to track the number of visitors. It was suggested to print off a report once a month and add it to the agenda. Chantielle forwarded the information to Tina on how to finish adding the Chamber members to the site. The site should be launched by the end of the month.
President’s Report
There was no Executive meeting to report on. The Community After 5 at Hyde, Hyde & McGregor was well attended.
Treasurer’s Report
Matt Montague gave the Treasurer’s Report (included in board packages). The Chamber has picked up a few new members. The HST return will be paid in 3 installments (July, August, and September). The second financial report was discussed in-camera.
Committee Reports
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- Marketing Committee: Carmen McGregor reported on the minutes from the Marketing meeting (included in package). Ron Laroche created a signage package for members and non-members. There are 5 members that will have FREE signage and 4 new ones have confirmed to date. There was a discussion regarding the Wallaceburg.ca site. The Finance committee will be looking at the Tiered Membership with the new categories. Letters will be created for non-members and those who were members in the past.
- Special Events Committee: Chair Gloria Tulp reported on the Community after 5 events. Gloria spoke with the Community Health Centre and the Black Goose but nothing has been confirmed yet. Gloria will speak with the Moose Lodge in case a bigger venue is needed for the Membership Fair.
Barb McCaughrin and Bob Taylor were voted in as interim directors until the end of the term.
Next board meeting – August 8, 2012 – The Black Goose