Highlights of the June 2013 Chamber Minutes

from President, Carmen McGregor

President’s Report

Carmen McGregor reported on the minutes of the Executive Meeting (included in packages). The Executive discussed doing a fall event, possibly a Halloween party. The Special Events committee will look into this further.

Treasurer’s Report

Matt Montague reported on the financial reports (included in packages). The finances are looking pretty good due to the revenues made from Business Excellence and the Golf Tournament. The finances look good until the end of the year providing there are no major expenses.

Committee Reports

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  • Special Events Committee: Gloria Tulp reported on the Special Events. The information night planned for June has been rescheduled for September 24. Gloria received an email from Aaron Weir at Leadwave Technologies Inc. who would like to do an information seminar. Gloria will be meeting with Aaron prior to the next Special Events meeting.
  • Golf Committee:Barb Noorenberghe reported on the Golf Tournament. It was a great event but really cold.
  • Marketing/Membership Committee:Ron Laroche reported on the Marketing/Membership meeting. The membership surveys are completed and have been sent out to members.


New Business

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  • ChamberMaster: The ChamberMaster program has been integrated into the website. Directors logins and passwords were included in the packages. ChamberMaster will be launched to the members tomorrow.
  • Gary O’Flynn: The Chamber office was contacted by Gary O’Flynn to do a history on all the past presidents. Carmen will contact Gary to let him know the board gave their approval if he would like to proceed.
  • Walking Bridge: Carmen McGregor discussed the issue to close the walking bridge. It has been designated to be decommissioned. The walking bridge is an important issue for our members. It was discussed to work in partnership with the BIA and our local councillors to see what can be done. Ron said he would also talk to David Katzman when he returns.
  • EDC: Carmen McGregor had a phone meeting with Stuart McFadded and Janine Lassaline-Berglund with iMiN; which is an online network for manufacturers. They discussed bringing local manufacturers into the high school to see what type of training is there currently and what could be brought in. Carmen spoke with Rob Lee; he is ready to set something up for September. Janine will send us a package that they use for Chambers of Commerce.


Next board meeting – September 11, 2013 – 4:00 PM – Chamber office