Highlights of the June Chamber Minutes

from President, Karen Debergh

Executive Report

Karen Debergh reported on the Executive Committee. Feature Act with the Municipality is recognizing people throughout the community. They are looking for organizations that help increase people’s quality of life, that does not provide financial gain or for profit, helps for access to the community or enhances the community at large. They would like the Chamber’s assistance in thinking of an individual or group from Wallaceburg they could recognize.
The Anti-Spam Legislation come into effect on July 1st. We have 3 years to completely implement the legislation as we are a not for profit organization.
The Executive discussed Strategic Planning as they feel the Chamber is losing focus. There are different issues that need to be looked at. It will be a huge project that will probably take 12-18 months to implement. Karen had a meeting with James Snyder who is involved in different communities and would like to help.

Committee Reports

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  • Special Events Committee: The next Business After Hours will be August 7, 2014 at Intrigue Hair Lounge.
  • Marketing/Membership Committee: Ron discussed the Signage Project. With the signs that need to be brought down there will be 26 blank spaces. Ron spoke with Randy at Mountain Shelter and got a quote. Ron also mentioned that quite a few of the ballasts to light up the sign no longer work. He got a quote for that as well.
  • Golf Committee: The final golf budget was included in the packages.
  • Finance Committee: Carmen McGregor reported on the Finance Committee. Randy has offered to chair the financial committee at Matt is really busy. Tina’s hours have been increased to 10 to 3 each day. Matt worked the increase in payroll into the cash flow projections and the Chamber will be okay until the end of the year. It was suggested to have sign renewals go out again the end of October for 2015.


New Business

Next board meeting – July 9, 2014 – 4:00 PM – Chamber office