Highlights of the June Chamber Minutes
from President, John Ritchie
Barb Noorenberghe was voted in as an interim director until the end of the term.
President’s Report
John Ritchie reported the minutes from the Executive meeting (included in board packages). The golf tournament has officially been cancelled due to numbers. John Ritchie and Tina Fraleigh met with Laurie Foster at TD Canada Trust to discuss the overdraft and other options to reduce expenses. Laurie will get back to Tina with information. There was a discussion regarding membership ideas; which will be discussed further with the Membership committee. The Chamber received the Commercial Insurance renewal from Martin Insurance. Carmen McGregor met with Kevin Pearson to discuss the policy and find ways to cut the cost. Carmen McGregor and John Ritchie are going to meet with Steve at Bailey Kearney Ferguson to discuss the HST return. Hub Creative Group would like to meet with the Chamber and BIA.
Treasurer’s Report
Matt Montague gave the Treasurer’s Report (included in board packages). Membership and Sign revenue needs to be worked on. Revenues for the Community After 5 events are way down. A hosting fee was reintroduced in 2010 and since then the revenues have dropped. A motion was made and approved to drop the hosting fee of $75.00 and the Chamber will keep all the admission. John Ritchie suggested the summer students meet with James Bolos of Fiesta to discuss the July Community After 5 event; how to promote it more and get more attendance.
Committee Reports
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- Marketing Committee: Chair Ron Laroche reported the minutes from the Marketing meeting (included in package). Different options were discussed for the financing of the signs. Ron was going to look into possible grants. A suggestion was to send a letter to the membership to see if there was an interest there first, to see if it’s worthwhile. The website refresh is almost complete and Chantielle will be doing a presentation at the July meeting. The next edition of the newsletter was sent out; the next edition is set for August. Carmen suggested the summer students set up a Twitter account so that we might get more young professionals following the Chamber. The Facebook page needs to be refreshed as well. It was suggested to combine the Membership and Marketing committee meetings together.
- Special Events Committee: Chair Gloria Tulp reported on the Community After events. Gloria will be talking to Mark at the Black Goose for the October event. Gerry Flynn said that he would stop in to see Kristen at the Community Health Centre about hosting an event, possibly September.
Next board meeting – July11, 2012 – The Black Goose