Highlights of the May Chamber Minutes

from President, John Ritchie

Councilor Jeff Wesley was invited to attend the board meeting to discuss an email that he sent out regarding the 2013 Budget Process. He reached out to the Chamber and the BIA to get input from the memberships to see how the process could be improved upon. The deadline is May 18, and input should be emailed to him before then.

President’s Report

John Ritchie reported the minutes from the Executive meeting (included in board packages). There are still a few outstanding memberships; the finance committee is going to look at different options such as a post-dated cheque system.

Treasurer’s Report

Reported on by John Ritchie (included in board packages).

Committee Reports

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  • Marketing Committee: Chair Ron Laroche gave a brief of the minutes from the Marketing meeting which was a joint meeting with the Finance Committee. There were a couple of options discussed for the financing of the sign project. This needs to be voted at the next meeting.
  • Membership Committee: John Ritchie and Carmen McGregor discussed possibilities for the membership committee.
  • Golf Committee: John Ritchie reported the minutes from the golf meeting. The committee discussed potential sponsors. Registrations are coming in. There was a discussion regarding the shirts.


New Business

Items under new business to be discussed at the next meeting.

In-Camera Session

Items were discussed in-camera.

Next board meeting – June 13, 2012 – The Black Goose