Highlights of the November AGM Chamber Minutes

from President, Carmen McGregor

President’s Report

Carmen McGregor reported on the minutes from the Executive meeting (included in packages). The Chamber has had challenges throughout the year and has layed off the office staff. The Executive Committee has taken on the office duties. Carmen congratulated all the directors for the past year.

Appoint Auditor

The Board discussed the current auditor and decided that they are happy with Bailey Kearney Ferguson and would like to continue with them in the new term.

Treasurer’s Report

Matt Montague reported on the financials (included in packages). Matt prepared a cash flow report to see where the Chamber will be at the end of the month. Sign revenue invoices have been sent out. There is monies in the savings account and the Credit Union account which will get the Chamber through to the new year. Membership renewals will be going out December 1st. Membership, Insurance and Rental revenues are up this year. Some of the expenses have come down.

Committee Reports

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  • Business Excellence Committee: Carmen McGregor reported on the Business Excellence Awards. There was a change of venue this year; the event was held at the Museum. There was a really good turnout. There are things that need to be looked at for next year’s event.
  • Special Events Committee: Gloria Tulp reported on the Special Events Committee. There were 15 events in total this year. The Business after Hours events were well attended. This year’s Community and Member Fair did not have good attendance. Some of the Business after Hours events are scheduled for 2014. There is a “Can’t Go South” party scheduled for February as well.
  • Golf Committee: Barb Noorenberghe reported on the Golf Tournament. The committee decided to go back to the old format. There were great auction items and prizes. The date is booked for next year.
  • Marketing/Membership Committee: Karen Debergh reported on the Marketing/Membership Committee. There are close to 180 members this year. The committee will be looking at revising the Tiered Membership as the Shop Local Program has been cancelled. The committee will at bringing back the Member-to-Member discounts; Brad volunteered to head this up. The Bridging Opportunity Signage Program is well under way. The Marketing video was well received with approximately 400 hits. Karen will be working on the marketing aspect of ChamberMaster and following up on the Small Business Handouts.


Changes to Current By-Laws

The proposed changes to the current By-Laws are included in the packages. Recommendations have been made through the Board over the last couple of months. Ron Laroche read the pending changes to be approved; which were presented 30 days prior to the AGM.

Call for Nominations – 2012/13 Board of Directors

Carmen McGregor thanked everyone and welcomed the new candidates. Carmen read off a list of returning directors and nominations for new directors and asked if they would let their name stand. Those directors not in attendance stated their position to Carmen by email or phone. Returning directors are Barbara McCaughrin, Ron Laroche, Matt Montague, Mike Hatfield, Carmen McGregor, Barb Noorenberghe, Kelly Hetherington, Greg Hetherington, Brad Borland and Karen Debergh. The nominations for new directors are Nick Cadotte, Andrew Jeffs, Chuck Ferris and Randy McNeil. Carmen opened it up to the floor for further nominations; there were none.

Call for Nominations – 2013/14 Executive Committee

Carmen McGregor made an amendment to the agenda; the call for nominations for the Executive Committee should not be held In-Camera as stated. The Executive Committee was voted on and is as follows: Carmen McGregor, President; Mike Hatfield, Vice President; Matt Montague, Secretary; Karen Debergh, Treasurer; and Ron Laroche as the additional Executive voting position.

Next board meeting – December 11, 2013 – 4:00 PM – Chamber office