Highlights of the October Chamber Minutes
from Acting President, Carmen McGregor
President’s Report
Carmen McGregor reported on the minutes from the Executive meeting (included in board packages). Mike Hatfield discussed the information package received from the University of Windsor regarding grants for the manufacturing sector. The Executive committee would like to set up a luncheon meeting for the manufacturers in town as well as the surrounding area. St. Clair College Employment Centre would like to be involved also.
Treasurer’s Report
Matt Montague reported on the Chamber finances (included in package).
Committee Reports
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- Marketing/Membership Committee: Ron Laroche reported that there was no meeting as they were still waiting for quotes to come in; however some updates have occured since then (report included in package). Ron received a quote from CIK Marketing regarding monetizing the website with ads. The Bridging Opportunity signs are almost full.
- Special Events Committee: Carmen McGregor reported on the Community and Member Fair which had a great turnout. The committee discussed the upcoming Christmas Gala and the Business Excellence Awards.
Meeting adjourned at 4:57 pm
Next board meeting – November 7, 2012 – Annual General Meeting – 5:30 PM – Chamber office